Intelligent Information
The value of timely decision making, system optimisation and continuous improvement is well understood from productivity achievements gained in industries more broadly. Mining operations are increasingly becoming data rich but remain relatively information poor. Getting information to key people who can drive improvements and translate that to value is the critical step in the digital transformation of the industry.
Clarity is developing capability to facilitate the digital transformation, by focusing on the following areas:
  • Harnessing the significant miniaturisation of computing power and rapid drop in price to allow complex calculations inside sensors, and transmitting timely intelligent information (rather than pushing 'big data' into centralised repositories)
  • Leveraging inexpensive flow of information through encrypted wireless mobile telecommunications networks and cloud infrastructure
  • Development of Internet of Things (IoT) dashboards which can be accessed using non-proprietary intranet browsers, providing reports, downloadable data and timely notifications to key decision makers
  • Integration of sensor-agnostic IoT devices, which can be coupled with legacy equipment commonly found in mature mining operations



Clarity specialises in the implementation of innovative sensors and control algorithms into processing systems