Advantages of Intelligent Information
  • Sensor-to-sensor communication (via encrypted wireless telecommunication networks and sensor clustering) is possible, removing the need for expensive infrastructure and maintenance costs
  • Sensor clustering, computational capability and non-volatile data storage capability of 'edge sensors' minimises any impact of a temporary loss in wireless communication
  • The information system can sit adjacent to any existing control or reporting system and is independent of corporate IT/OT systems
  • Improvements can be enacted at the supervisor or shift level, especially with smaller operations that may not have an integrated control system or historian type functionality
  • Hosting information and display trending in near-real time is achievable, as 'edge sensors' continually communicate with secure off-site servers (cloud computing)
  • Display trending, analogous to larger DCS systems, is achievable, without locking into specific vendor infrastructure or the associated costs
Sample Dashboard

View a sample dashboard, created using simulated data for the interface level detected in a flotation cell.



Clarity specialises in the implementation of innovative sensors and control algorithms into processing systems